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Numeric Types

Under Construction

Numbers are the base of math and every logical process. The Abstract language allows the user to choose between a long list of numeric types for the best result, performance and memory management for their application.

Integer Numbers

The most simple way of representing numbers is with integers. Integers represents an always complete (non-fractional) value, never allowing any decimal point.

For historical, computational and memory optimal reasons, the computer gives an extensive range of possibilities about numeric integer values.

To declare an integer type in the Abstract Language, use the low-case letter i or u to declare the kind of the integer (signed or unsigned respectively) and a number to declare the size, in bits, that this data will occupy in memory.

Examples of valid integer types are:

i8   # signed 8-bit (1 byte) integer
u16 # unsigned 16-bit integer
i128 # signed 128-bit integer
u256 # unsigned 256-bit integer
i1 # signed single bit (0 or -1)

The size in bits must be a integer inside the range of 1 to 256.


it is reccomended to avoid bit lengths that are not a power of two greater or equal than 8 (8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc.). Most real machines will peform calculations faster in this range, as the effort to convert the value from and to the defined alignment is lower.
More about it will be covered in alignment.

The following non-exaustive table shows some common integer types and its corresponding type in the C programming language:

AliasEquivalent in CSizeRange
i8int8_t8-bits-128 to 127
i16int16_t16-bits-32,768 to 32,767
i32int32_t32-bits-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
i64int64_t64-bits-9.2x10¹⁸ to 9.2x10¹⁸
iptrintptr_t(target dependent)(target dependent)
u8 (byte)uint8_t8-bits0 to 255
u16uint16_t16-bits0 to 65,535
u32uint32_t32-bits0 to 4,294,967,295
u64uint64_t64-bits0 to 1.8x10¹⁹
uptruintptr_t(target dependent)(target dependent)

The iptr and uptr types are special general-purpose integers that are defined by the target. It is equivalent to the size of a memory pointer on the specific platform or the biggest native integer that the specified target can process. E.g.: If compiling the project to an x86 architecture based machine, iptr will be equivalent to i32 and on an amd64 architecture, it will be equivalent to i64.

Floating Numbers

Not Implemented!

Floating numbers are somewhat complicated numerical values used to reproduce fractions.

As the table above, the Abstract floating types are listed below, with their corresponding type in the C programming language:

AliasEquivalent in CImplementation
f32 (float)floatStd.Types.SingleFloating
f64 (double)doubleStd.Types.DoubleFloating