While a struct
may reorganize it layout on memory in unexpected ways, packets are made to be a exact
1:1 map of it implementation to memory.
Packets are designed to not just have total precision on it size in memory as too allow the user to have full controll of the layout of all the bits stored on it.
Implementation and Usage
Packets can be implemented by the following:
packet(8) MyDinner {
bool hasFork
bool hasSpoon
bool hasKnife
bool hasPlate
u4 hungerLevel
The parameter x in packet(x)
indicates the total size, in bits, of the object in memory.
The parameter is, however, optional and will be automatically calculated by the compiler if
not provided.
Inside the packet, you can include primitives, other packets or references to most complex
However, the primitives declarated on a packet aren't the same as the usual Abstract primitives! You can see more about packet exclusive types in Packet Types
To use a packet, declarate a variable as the packet's identifier and fill, manually, it's data as follows:
let MyDinner dinner = MyDinner {
hasFork: true,
hasSpoon: true,
hasKnife: true,
hasPlate: false,
hungerLevel: 10
and you can use the dot operator (.
) to acess it fields:
import { Console } from Std
if !dinner.hasFork writeLn("Comrade doesn't have a fork!");
if !dinner.hasSpoon writeLn("Comrade doesn't have a spoon!");
if !dinner.hasKnife writeLn("Comrade doesn't have a knife!");
if !dinner.hasPlate writeLn("Comrade doesn't have a plate!");
if !dinner.hungerLevel > 10 writeLn("Starving!");
elif !dinner.hungerLevel > 5 writeLn("Hungry!");
Comrade doesn't have a plate!
Extending Packets
As packets doesn't allow any method implementation inside them, if you want to manipulate packets, you will need to use a static function for this:
packet(8) Character {
i4 level,
u4 exp
# This function is static as it's on a namespace scope!
func Character NewChar() {
return Character {
level: 0,
exp: 0
# This function is static as it's on a namespace scope!
func void addExp(*FixedPoint _self, u8 e) {
_self.exp += e
if (Std.Assembly.flagsRegister.Overflow) level++
let Character jake = NewChar()
let Character sam = NewChar()
addExp(&jake, 10)
addExp(&sam, 5)
Or using the extensor attribute to extends the packet's symbol with static functions:
@extensor func void addExp(*FixedPoint _self, u8 e) {
_self.exp += e
if (Std.System.Assembly.flagsRegister.Overflow) level++
# ...
the extensor attribute can also be used in structs to build packets with complex behaviors:
packet(8) Character {
i4 level,
u4 exp
# to make the link between the packet and the structure,
# the structure should be marked with @extensor.
@extensor struct Character {
constructor() {
level = 0
exp = 0
@public func void addExp(u8 e) {
exp += e
if (Std.Assembly.flagsRegister.Overflow) level++
let Character jake = new Character()
let Character sam = new Character()
Types and Layout Modifiers
Integer types follows the same format as the default integers, but can have any number greater than zero of bits to represent it on memory.
# unsigned integers
u[bit length]
# signed integers
i[bit length]
## examples: ##
u1 # 1 bit unsigned integer
i100 # 100 bit signed integer
i5 # 5 bit signed integer
u4 # 4 bit unsigned integer
Floats are very limitated do manipulate with the CPU. because of this, you can only use the default
or f64
# 32 bit floating point representation (or singles)
# 64 bit floating point representation (or doubles)
Booleans are, as default, of 1 bit length.
# 1 bit boolean
In packets, strings are limited to a certain ammount of characters.
This ammount is based on it predefined byte count, where one byte is
aways reservated to the null character \0
and some characters can
expend more than one byte if they're not limitated to the ASCII table
# A string with N bytes
# Examples:
string[500] # A string with max. 499 characters
string[20 + 1] # A string with max. 20 characters
string[1] # A string with 0 characters
Packets references can be included inside other packets.
packet NullableInteger32 {
bool isNull,
u32 address
packet Attributes {
NullableInteger32 stength,
NullableInteger32 magic,
NullableInteger32 stealth,
Structures and References
In some cases, where some structures can use reserved or ignored bits, it's possible to use offsets to jump these.
packet MyPack {
bool firstBit,
offset(6), # Jumps 6 bits
bool lastBit
Offsets can also be used to create unions and overlap other memory addresses:
packet MyUnion {
u64 myUnsigned,
offset(-64), # Back 64 bits
i64 mySigned