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namespace Std.Types

Std.Types implements all the primitive and basic types of the language.


CollectionsImplementation of data collection abstractions
StaticImplementation of static size data types


TypeA manipulable reference to a type
AnyTypeData with undefined type
IntegerThe base of all integer data types
SignedInteger8Structure to manipulate 8-bit signed integers
SignedInteger16Structure to manipulate 16-bit signed integers
SignedInteger32Structure to manipulate 32-bit signed integers
SignedInteger64Structure to manipulate 64-bit signed integers
SignedInteger128Structure to manipulate 128-bit signed integers
UnsignedInteger8Structure to manipulate 8-bit unsigned integers
UnsignedInteger16Structure to manipulate 16-bit unsigned integers
UnsignedInteger32Structure to manipulate 32-bit unsigned integers
UnsignedInteger64Structure to manipulate 64-bit unsigned integers
UnsignedInteger128Structure to manipulate 128-bit unsigned integers
SingleFloatingStructure to manipulate single precision floating point numbers
DoubleFloatingStructure to manipulate double precision floating point numbers
BooleanStructure to manipulate boolean values
StringStructure to manipulate text and strings
VoidStructure that represents no type
NoReturnStructure that represents no returnable process