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namespace Std.Console

Std.Console abstracts the interaction between the program and the standard input/output and console window


@public func void write(anytype content)

Writes the parameter in the configurated output stream.
If the parameter's type do not implement a toString() method, it will use the type's structure name instead.

anytype content:

The desired value to be wrote.
@public func void write([]anytype content)

Writes the parameter array in the configurated output stream.
If the parameter's type do not implement a toString() method, it will use the type's structure name instead.

[]anytype content:

The desired array to be wrote.
@public func void writeln(anytype content)

Writes the parameter in the configurated output stream.
At the end, will also write the system's line feed string.
If the parameter's type do not implement a toString() method, it will use the type's structure name instead.

anytype content:

The desired value to be wrote.
@public func void writeln([]anytype content)

Writes the parameter in the configurated output stream.
At the end, will also write the system's line feed string.
If the parameter's type do not implement a toString() method, it will use the type's structure name instead.

[]anytype content:

The desired array to be wrote.
@public func string read()

Reads the next value inputed in the configurated input stream and returns it as a string.

returns string:

The inputed value.