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This feature is still not implemented!
namespace Std.Compilation
is a interface between the code and the compiler
Namespace | Description |
Structure | Alias | Description |
Field | Type | Acxess | Description |
targetArch | Std.System.Archtecture | Public, read only, compile time | The reference of the archtecture being targeted for the build |
targetSystem | Std.System.HostSystem | Public, read only, compile time | The reference of the operating system being targeted for the build |
currentLine | uptr | Public, read only, compile time | The line of the function call in the source file |
currentCollumn | uptr | Public, Read only, compile time | The collumn of the first character of the function call in the source file |
currentSource | string | Public, Read only, compile time | The path to the current script's source file |
functionName | string | Public, Read only, compile time | The name of the caller function |